Bunbury man charged over recording of child at public toilet By News October 17, 2022 Add Comment Edit A 58-year-old man has been charged after allegedly filming a teenage girl at a beach toilet block.Mon, 17 Oct 2022 09:08:36 +0000Rosemary Murphy and Georgia Loney Share this post Related PostsGDP is a blunt instrument measuring economic activity, so countries are now looking at safety, housing and health tooWorld Health Organization says monkeypox outbreak unlikely to lead to pandemicChina's foreign minister is on a Pacific charm offensive, but he'll land in PNG at a rather awkward momentWhere do religious groups in the US stand on gun control?Eastern states to get some winter respite today, but it won't last longWho's who in the new Labor cabinet?Almost half of Earth's land surface 'needs protecting'. The positive is we have a headstartMegalodon was the largest shark ever. So, what drove it to extinction?
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