A contentious bill could be life-changing for Jasper. But it has left two nations at loggerheads By News January 24, 2023 Add Comment Edit Jasper is one of a minority of people stuck in the crosshairs of a constitutional war between the UK and Scotland over a proposed gender recognition reform bill. Share this post Related PostsVictoria races to extinguish 'flying embers' from NSW's COVID outbreak as exposure sites growBoom in recreational fishing having major impact on seabirds, say wildlife rescuersUS court orders 'Tiger King' Joe Exotic be resentenced over hitman plot'Time bombs everywhere': Indonesia reporting more new cases than IndiaAs Sydney holds its breath, delayed spike shows different dynamics in playWorld's biggest green energy hub on WA coast 'could power Australia'Childcare centres in Greater Sydney allowed to waive gap fees for parents who keep kids at home'Overzealous' refereeing blights State of Origin Game III
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