These are the 4 astronauts who'll take a trip around the moon next year By News April 04, 2023 Add Comment Edit The group will fly on NASA's Orion spacecraft as part of the Artemis program, which aims to return astronauts to the moon for the first time 50 years and establish a long-term presence there. (Image credit: AP) Share this post Related PostsBiden Praises Senate Passage Of 'Desperately Needed' COVID-19 Relief BillHow Democrats Hope to Press Their Advantage on the StimulusMinnesota man arrested in St. George for allegedly attempting to entice a minorFire breaks out next to Zion National Park's south entranceAnother Utah man fell off of Angels Landing and died, Zion National Park saysAs students protest on Capitol steps, Senate agrees to hear Dixie name change legislationMapping Máaz: NASA Uses Navajo Language to Name Features on MarsCar fire on Red Hills Parkway slows afternoon traffic in St. George
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