
Suspects bust with R430 000 agricultural poison

Cape Town - Two suspects are expected to appear in the Odendaalsrus Magistrate’s Court in the Free State after they were found in possession of suspected stolen agricultural poison.

According to the provincial police spokesperson, Captain Stephen Thakeng, the suspects were arrested on Thursday and the estimated value of the poison is R430 000.

“On May 11, 2023, at about 5.15pm, an intelligence-driven operation was conducted by Crime Intelligence, Welkom Public Order Policing, and Odendaalsrus Stock Theft and Endangered Species Unit after they received information that suspects loaded the poison onto a Nissan 1-ton bakkie and a trailer.

“The information further states that the suspects were travelling to Welkom. The team conducted a waylay operation on the Odendaalsrus/Wesselsbron roads,” Thakeng said.

The two men were bust with a bakkie load of agricultural poison. Picture: SAPS

A description of the vehicle was circulated.

“The bakkie matching the description circulate was spotted and stopped. The suspects could not provide proper documentation for the 95 x 20-litre Roundup poison.

“An additional 14 x 20-litre drums full of Roundup poison were found hidden at the house of one of the suspects in Monyakeng, Wesselsbron. The bakkie and trailer were also seized,” Thakeng said.

Roundup or glyphosate is a common herbicide (weed-killer) used in crop and non-crop lands, including residential areas such as home lawns and gardens.

“The suspects, both aged 40, from Monyakeng in Wesselsbron are facing possession of suspected stolen agriculture poison and will appear soon in Odendaalsrus Magistrate’s Court,” Thakeng said.



Fri, 12 May 2023 10:01:07 GMTRobin-Lee Francke

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