Why a Tasmanian MP pushed for an inquiry into ADHD By News December 23, 2024 Add Comment Edit Despite knowing he had ADHD and years of experience in bureaucracy as a political staffer, Simon Behrakis still found navigating the medical system "really difficult". Now, he wants to change that. Share this post Related Posts'Zombie DAs' haunt state government that fears revoking them could cost millions in payoutsHurricane Oscar makes landfall as Cuba struggles with fourth power outage in 48 hoursLegal concerns raised over Elon Musk's $US1 million payouts to US votersMum who endured 'living nightmare' raises enough money to vaccinate year 11 students at Victorian schoolCourt hears Perth girl, 17, weighed just 27 kilograms as parents face trial over her malnutritionRetired teacher charged with 32 further child sex offences following arrest for almost 50 charges in AugustA customer took a home insurer to the ombudsman over a 60 per cent premium increase, and wonMoldova narrowly votes for EU membership amid claims of 'unprecedented' Russian interference
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